Avoiding Covid Is Sexy


Here's what I'll be doing to protect you:

1. Reduced client load....As I emerge from SIP (for 8 weeks...UGG!!) I'll be taking less appointments moving forward, until this is totally totally over. I always appreciate tips, but now more than ever, your generosity means so much to me! (*Please inquire if you'd like to be a "VIP Client" with exclusive privileges to be my only client)

2. I'm running a very expensive virus-killing machine called a Hi-Tech Air Reactor. It's been independent-lab-tested, to verify it destroys the Corona Virus in the air within seconds. I travel with this machine, and run it 24/7 in my workspaces. Unlike ozone, it's safe to breathe. Here's an article about how a Wrestling Coach used it in his gym and reduced illness by 95%: https://www.facebook.com/hitechairsolutions/photos/a.683823601630496/1672244816121698/?type=3&theater

3. Between every session I disinfect all surfaces, phone, laptop, lotion bottles, floors, etc.  (I've always done this anyway).

4. Please remove shoes right upon entering & please reschedule if you've been exposed to anyone with symptoms, or if you feel "off" yourself.