What is the Vagus Nerve and Why Does It Matter?


It's Summer here....

I love sharing what brings me joy. I love learning and growing, and most of all....I love to uplift others with what I learn.

Lately I've been learning lots about the Vagus nerve. It's the longest nerve in the body, and it regulates our sense of well-being. Read that again...our sense of well-being. That's super important!

The Vagus nerve runs from the brain to the abdomen, linking all of the organs, and it plays a critical role in our ability to get relaxed. It plays a critical role in achieving and maintaining erections as well.

It's a "secret key", that we can activate to create a relaxation response. One of the best ways to activate it is through deep breathing. Deep breathing is such a foundational component of Tantra!

Deep breathing stimulates the Vagus nerve to create an overwhelming sense of calm and pleasure. It takes us out of "fight or flight", & lowers our blood pressure and our heart rate. 

Most people have breathing restrictions that can make deep breathing rather hard at first. But I have tricks that can make deep breathing a lot easier and more fun. 

I will slowly massage your back, neck, shoulders, chest, hips and often your abdomen. Tightness in these regions will restrict your ability to take deep and easy full breaths. Tightness keeps the energy from flowing. Orgasm = Energy. We want this orgasmic energy to be able to flow through our whole bodies. Have you ever had an orgasm come slamming out of your face? Those are my favorite kind!

I love helping you free your body so you can enjoy this life (and your orgasms!) so much more! When you are able to breathe easily into full and "deep-down-belly breaths", it also begins the process of connecting your genitals to the rest of your body...the trick to full-body orgasms and becoming a better lover.  Yum.

It's so wonderful to have a body, and even better to know all the secrets to unlocking the full potential of our sexuality and well-being. Tantra does this. The Vagus Nerve does this.

Stimulating the Vagus Nerve is just one of the many techniques I teach in my style of work. If you want to geek out on it some more, you can read here and here. 

I look forward to stimulating our Vagus nerves and getting relaxed with you soon!!!